Posted in christian

Thanksgiving or Complaint?

Photo Credits: Priscilla Du Preez

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 NKJV 

My daughter finds it hard to go through one of life’s necessary processes (I won’t say which one). This experience started from birth and has eased up over time. Once done, she expects me to say, “thank God!” as I always do. She loves the phrase and reminds me whenever I forget to say it. Something different happened today. She completed the process, and instead of my regular expression of thanks, I voiced a complaint. My daughter looked at me, a strange expression on her face, and stayed quiet. I realized I goofed. I shouted a “thank God!” and she rewarded me with a smile.

It struck a note. I chose to complain about a smear instead of thanking God for creating a functional system for us. Whenever something is less than perfect (according to us), we complain. Homeschooling, children, spouses, neighbors, the family, and I could go on and on. I realized something and asked myself a question today, what has complaining changed?

If we are carriers of God, shouldn’t we be giving thanks regardless of where, how, and what we experience? He is working out all things, which means everything, for good for you and I. I will not list out all the merits of thanksgiving for the body, but it does our hearts good. To wake up daily and know God has worked things out for me makes my heart glad.

When He says, don’t worry, He is working for us. When He asks us to believe, He is making way for us. He advises us to thank Him because He is with us behind the scenes, making sure everything is working out well for you and me. 

Two characteristics of complaining:

  1. Spiritual blindness
  2. Spiritual deafness

It shows we are not seeing and hearing God, so we are living by ourselves, for us. When we live by our strengths, we see and are moved by our reality. We are not connected to the throne of grace and allow life to throw all sorts at us. Imagine if Jesus complained about the cross and walked off in a huff. After all, he didn’t do anything to deserve it. He chose the glory after death instead, regardless of the pain and shame, why? His eyes and ears remained open through his ordeal.

The question for me is, what type of life do you prefer, one of faith in God or of reality, in life? I know God is sovereign and rules overall, so I chose to live by faith and to be diligent about how I live. I pray God will continue to open our eyes and ears by His Spirit, so we can give thanks as we live in, with and through Him, in Jesus’ name.

Till next time, be transformed!!


All spirit; no flesh.

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