Posted in christian

Adelaide’s Day

Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash

Source: ‘For you are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.’ Galatians 3:26-29

My name is Adelaide, and I am a child of God. I’m married with two daughters, ages five and eight; they are beautiful girls. I am a content writer for a fashion house in Lagos, and this post is about a day in my life. I wake up daily with the understanding that I am alive to further the kingdom of God. Not to be a mother, wife, provider, or content writer, anybody can excel in these things. Therefore, I submit my life and the lives of my family and the Church to God. 

With the understanding that prayer is a constant exercise, I pray all the time. During my morning walks, in the bathroom, as I greet my husband and children wishing them well, on my way to work, etc. The whole day is spent in prayer because I know who I can become without it. I understand that to do God’s will in my life, mine must cease to exist, so I pray. 

Today is a Tuesday. Tuesdays are challenging, with meetings, decisions, drafting posts for our social sites, etc. I’m good at my job. My colleagues think I write from a place of great skill, if only they knew. Dressed down in jeans, a black top with kente prints knitted into the front, and sneakers, I enter my office to start the day. I may not be the best dressed, but I asked for help from the Holy Spirit because everything about me speaks. 

The industry I work in is fast, challenging, and doesn’t accept anything but the best, no mistakes. My boss expects me to be timely with my ideas and strategies, which, of course, should be effective. I have retained my job because God wants me there, and the Holy Spirit teaches me on the job. He tells me what to write, refers me to research areas to find out what’s next, and directs me to people who talk to me about the now in the industry, industry leaders if you like. 

I’m drinking my beverage about 9:30 am when my boss walks into the kitchen. 

“Hey, Adelaide, we have this distributor I met some months ago seated in the meeting room at the moment. Can you spare thirty minutes? I need you at the meeting.” 

“Of course, sir,” I say as he smiles and rushes out. 

I’m irritated because I hate to have things sprung on me. I scheduled a meeting with one of my writers, which starts in ten minutes, and now I have to cancel. Not because of my boss’s request, but because I can re-schedule. I make the call fast, then I head to the meeting room, praying as I go. 

The distributor wants to link us to an Asian customer interested in the brand. We all listen in, and at the end of the presentation, the presenter expects feedback. I give none, not having much to say. I remain true to who I am, and I speak as I am given utterance on any matter. My past errors still hunt me; experience has taught me well. 

My schedule for the day keeps me busy, planning the next post with my team and updating the calendar with the solutions we brainstormed. Then it’s lunchtime, and after eating, I sit to draft out a post my team can work on, and publish when approved. 

My boss asks to see me at 5 pm, and the discussion is about the distributors. He wants to know my thoughts. Over time, the recommendations I made by the leading of the Spirit panned out. I learned to check with him first before speaking. 

I checked the distributor’s website over lunch, checking for authenticity, searching for links to the Asian company, or feedback on work done with them, there was none. I’m suspicious, are we the first company he is pitching the Asian connection? I also checked the Asian company’s website, and it’s bare, with no helpful information. 

I advise my boss to hold on until we have more information on the distributor and the Asians. I know that time reveals all things, so patience is my friend. One forced on me, but one I need. 

I leave for home at 6 pm and arrive an hour later, exhausted. On arrival, different problems are waiting for me. We ran out of gas to cook, and my husband referred the children to me to help with their homework. My husband, an entrepreneur who works from home, has been home the whole day. 

I am troubled that he does not help the children, but expects them to wait until I return. This has happened time and time again, and as I make my way to the home office to thrash this out, God’s Spirit reminds me that my anger is unrighteous. I dig my nails into my palms as I stop, just before the door to the office. I stood there for a while, before turning and walking away. 

I sort out the gas issue by using the electric burner, my house help doesn’t know-how, and I call for gas to be delivered the next day. Dinner is cooking when I go to take a bath and settle down to help the kids, relegating the discussion with the man till bedtime. 

I am working on my iPad, updating my schedule for the next day, when he walks in. I wait for him to take a bath and settle down before I ask him about the children and their homework. 

“Can’t you help them, how difficult can it be?” he asks. 

“I could ask you the same question, Tony.” 

He turns to me. “I was busy today, a deadline to deliver on.” 

“There have been other days like today. I come back exhausted from work too, and I would appreciate your help…” I knew that came out wrong and didn’t bother to finish.

“Are you implying I don’t help with the kids?” 

“I’m sorry. I know you do, but please, I work as well.” 

He lay down and turned to the other side, away from me. I lay the matter down before God, asking for wisdom. I meditate over the events of my day and pray as I study the scriptures. I go to sleep. 

Till next time, be transformed!!


All spirit; no flesh.

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