Posted in christian

God’s Generals

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

The five sat at the round table. They understood the reason for the gathering, each quiet under the weight of the knowledge of whose presence they gathered. The summons came at night, invitations to a room filled with white smoke and walls of dark clouds. An initiate would not know that though the walls billowed, they stood sturdy. The white smoke wreathed in its progress to reach every part of the room, incense from the throne room itself. God hosted this little gathering.

For the first time, the guests could hear the sound of silence, thick and heavy. Though no words were said, some sweated like goats on the slaughter table; others tasted the bitterness of failure. None of them of the mind to start giving their reports.

“Generals, give account.” His soft words flowed like still waters, heard only in the soul.

Nneka knew without being called that she was the first.

“I taught my children to know the Lord from childhood. They chose their paths, I couldn’t do anything, but watch and pray. I did my best.” She said.

“Yes, your best. However, I was with you through it all. To help with your struggle, and your day-to-day. I would have been your help and strength.” Our helper said, his soft words loud in her soul.

Ekene coughed. “The government threatened to kill me if I didn’t join their conspiracy. I prayed and fasted for help, but none came. I joined to bring the change you said I would.” He said, his eyes on the wood, blinking with tears.

“I heard prayers, but not yours. Fasting, but not from you. You forget that you live because I give you life. Why did you fear? Change, yes, not mine.” Our stronghold said.

“I formed the organization on kingdom values and beliefs. We are still working to ensure that all our transactions are honest.” Etuk said, his hands sweaty.

“You did, son. However, you went to sleep. Your subordinates are doing what they like, and getting away with it. Honest, or as led by me?” Our wisdom said.

“Father, I am teaching the children to love you with all their hearts. The school is blossoming, thanks to your grace.” Lawrence said.

Silence, our comforter smiled. Though the occupants of the room could not see the King, they felt the warmth of it.

“Children, dear ones. Do you love me, Lawrence?” The lover of our souls asked.

Lawrence looked down as tears filled up his eyes. He couldn’t answer before truth.

“I never left you, son, not in the days when you all lacked, nor in the days, when my grace supplied. I touched you, felt your pain, wiped your tears. Yet, you were unaware of me. You will lose those children, if you do not teach them to love, from a heart that loves first.” The Father said.

Ursula, the last to speak, knelt on the floor, as the thick smell of incense filled her nostrils.

“Father, forgive us.” She cried.

The swirl of incense stopped. Every movement ceased, as time stood still.

Like a movie put on replay, the life-giver took time back to the start of the meeting. This time, there was a difference. None sweated out of fear. There was joy in the air as the children rejoiced with abandon in God’s presence. Nobody remembered failing or not living out God’s will. The redeemer had given them all another chance, and wiped away their mistakes.

“You were made perfect for good works. I am always with you; call on me, lean on me. Drop all burdens, carry no loads, except the ones I give. You are of the kingdom and not of the world.”

They continued to rejoice, his peace sipping into their souls. They all woke up in that state, filled to overflowing with the love of God.


Till next time, be transformed!!


All spirit; no flesh.

9 thoughts on “God’s Generals

    1. This spoke to me tonight. Blessed me. I pray the Lord allows you to continue. There were times when I just connected to your blog and heard the heart of the Father. God bless dear.


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